Basic Transformational Coach Coarse (ATC)

Module 1 Module 2- Graduation Requirements
Unit 1 GR 2.1 Defining Your Coaching Niche Hour 1  
Unit 2 GR 2.1 Defining Your Coaching Niche Hour 2  
Unit 3 GR 2.2 Client Intake Paperwork and Welcome Packet  
Module 2 Module 3 - Coaching Fundamentals
Unit 1 CF 3.1.1 What is Coaching? Hour 1  
Unit 2 CF 3.1.2 What Is Coaching Hour 2  
Unit 3 CF 3.1.3 What is Coaching Live Class Hour 3  
Unit 4 CF 3.2 Fundamental Coaching Principles Hour 1  
Unit 5 CF 3.2 Fundamental Coaching Principles Hour 2  
Unit 6 CF 3.2 Fundamental Coaching Principles Hour 3 Live Class  
Unit 7 CF 3.3 Defining the Role of the Coach Hour 1  
Unit 8 CF 3.3 Defining the Role of the Coach Hour 2 Live Class  
Unit 9 CF 3.4 The Role of Expert Knowledge in Coaching Live Class Hour 1  
Unit 10 CF 3.4 The Role of Expert Knowledge in Coaching Live Class Hour 2  
Unit 11 CF 3.5 Coaching Theory Hour 1  
Unit 12 CF 3.5 Coaching Theory Hour 2  
Unit 13 CF 3.5 Coaching Theory Live Class Hour 3  
Unit 14 CF 3.5 Coaching Theory Live Class Hour 4  
Unit 15 CF 3.6 Coaching History and Influences Hour 1  
Unit 16 CF 3.6 Coaching History and Influences Hour 2  
Unit 17 CF 3.7 Coaching Ethics Hour 1  
Unit 18 CF 3.7 Coaching Ethics Live Class Hour 2  
Unit 19 CF 3.8 ICF Core Competencies Hour 1  
Unit 20 CF 3.8 ICF Competencies Hour 2  
Unit 21 CF 3.8 ICF Competencies Live Class Hour 3  
Module 3 Module 4 - Essential Coaching Skills
Unit 1 ECS 4.1 Coaching Readiness Testing  
Unit 2 ECS 4.2 Developing and Utilizing Awareness Hour 1  
Unit 3 ECS 4.2 Developing and Utilizing Awareness Live Class Hour 2  
Unit 4 ECS 4.3 Active and Empathic Listening Hour 1  
Unit 5 ECS 4.3 Active and Empathic Listening Live Class Hour 2  
Unit 6 ECS 4.4 Cultivating Action and Commitment Hour 1  
Unit 7 ECS 4.4 Cultivating Action and Commitment Live Class Hour 2  
Unit 8 ECS 4.4 Cultivating Action and Commitment Live Class Hour 3  
Unit 9 ECS 4.5 Beliefs and Perspective Hour 1  
Unit 10 ECS 4.5 Beliefs and Perspective Hour 2  
Unit 11 ECS 4.5 Beliefs and Perspective Hour 3  
Unit 12 ECS 4.5 Beliefs and Perspective Live Class Hour 4  
Unit 13 ECS 4.6 Cultivating Accountability, Responsibility, and Self Monitoring Hour 1  
Unit 14 ECS 4.6 Cultivating Accountability, Responsibility, and Self Monitoring Live Class Hour 2  
Unit 15 ECS 4.7 Asking Powerful Questions Hour 1  
Unit 16 ECS 4.7 Asking Powerful Questions Live Class Hour 2  
Unit 17 ECS 4.8 Appreciative Inquiry Hour 1  
Unit 18 ECS 4.8 Appreciative Inquiry Live Class Hour 2  
Unit 19 ECS 4.9 Transpersonal Techniques to Shift Blocks Hour 1  
Unit 20 ECS 4.9 Transpersonal Techniques to Shift Blocks Hour 2  
Unit 21 ECS 4.9 Transpersonal Techniques to Shift Blocks Hour 3  
Unit 22 ECS 4.9 Transpersonal Techniques to Shift Blocks Hour 4  
Unit 23 ECS 4.10 Hour 1 Live Class – The Nature of Blocks and Techniques for Shifting Them  
Unit 24 ECS 4.10 Hour 2 Live Class- The Nature of Blocks and Techniques for Shifting Them  
Unit 25 ECS 4.10 Hour 3 Live Class – The Nature of Blocks and Techniques for Shifting Them  
Unit 26 ECS 4.11 Session Structure  
Unit 27 ECS 4.12 Case Summations Hour 1  
Unit 28 ECS 4.12 Case Summations Hour 2  
Unit 29 ECS 4.12 Case Summations Hour 3  
Unit 30 ECS 4.12 Case Summations Hour 4  
Module 4 Module 5 - Professional Coaching Presence
Unit 1 PCP 5.1 Cultivating Trust Hour 1  
Unit 2 PCP 5.1 Cultivating Trust Hour 2  
Unit 3 PCP 5.2 Unconditional Positive Regard Hour 1  
Unit 4 PCP 5.2 Unconditional Positive Regard Hour 2  
Unit 5 PCP 5.3 Personal Energy Management Hour 1  
Unit 6 PCP 5.3 Personal Energy Management Hour 2  
Unit 7 PCP 5.4 Generating Enthusiasm Hour 1  
Unit 8 PCP 5.4 Generating Enthusiasm Hour 2  
Unit 9 PCP 5.5 Qualities and Characteristics of Highly Effective Coaches Hour 1  
Unit 10 PCP 5.5 Qualities and Characteristics of Highly Effective Coaches Live Class Hour 2  
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